Take heart ye tender one…..

The tender heart has to have a safe place; A haven from the turbulence of the whirlwind of emotional destruction that is ever-present all around us.

I don’t know what tools, talents, & skills others have used to survive the ruthlessness they’ve had to deal with. Me, for my part, first turned to religion. A cult in fact, just due to circumstances. Then when the darkness began overwhelming any perceived light, I then just began to hide inside a cave of anxiety. It was a terrible way to raise a family. It fills them with fear & terrorizes their self esteem which creates a more viscous cycle of emotional terror. The tender heart gasps at all the sorrowful aching atrocities in the world & ponders why should we continue.

The wonderful thing about a tender heart is that it is sooooo full of love that it continues to hope. It keeps searching for the light in any given situation including the rotten people that hurt us so tragically. Our most loved & cherished souls that simply cannot understand the capacity of love in our being.

Some of the hardest discoveries while attempting to reconnect first with humanity & then with long lost kindred souls, were, that the passing of so much time, some did not want to revisit the nostalgia and folly. They didn’t want to extend their thoughts, memories, or hearts back passing over those emotional minefields that brought us to this station in life of contentment or at least understanding. We lost so many loved ones & it would cause us to really pause & observe very painful parts while enjoying the joyous times too. But the tender ones have to take the risk. We have to share the possibilities.

It’s okay to be tender hearted & tender souled & share your tender love. What you give returns and there couldn’t be a more rewarding bounty than to find that other loving giving being that will take some time to share a profound moment of joy. So reach for your joy & let your tender heart guide you out to the other tender hearts & make safe joyous havens all over. 💗

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