Kind Considerate & Thoughtful-True Hearts

My Fortune Read This:

You Are A Considerate And Thoughtful Person.

This Is From My Fortune Cookie From A While Back

Made Me Remember Who I Am Once Again.

Some Days Can Make You Forget Who You Are

Those Subtle Reminders Bring You Back To Remembering Just Who You Are & How Pure Your Heart Is, What Your Meant To Do-God’s Plan For You.    

Being Around Some Who Do Not Value Your Heart They Never Really See Just Who You Are. Maybe It Is There Own Selfishness Or They Put Up A Wall.

They Never See What Your Really Capable Of Doing. 

Inside I Know Who I Am Never To Compromise Myself.

At Times We All Need Those Reminders. 

Never Be Afraid To Let Your True Heart Shine The Ones Who Are Receptive To It Will Know.

They Give Words Of Kindness Freely, Its Not That You Need Validation, Its A Warm Feeling You Get When Acknowledgement Is Given From The Heart.

True Hearts See Other True & Pure Hearts. As We Tender Hearts Do That Keeps This World A Loving Place A Happy Place. Giving Love Hope Joy & Happiness Always.


  1. The TenderTwo
    10/18/2019 / 3:39 AM

    Wonderful post. I love your open candid heart. So True.

  2. Ruby Ros'e
    10/18/2019 / 4:39 PM

    Thank You xoxoxox Love Yours Too xoxoxox

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