Wind Beneath Our Wings-Our Space
Your the wind beneath my wings the wind is getting weaker will it regain strength again? With your wind picking me up again We tender two is each others wind When we begin to decent and fall Our wind for…
Your the wind beneath my wings the wind is getting weaker will it regain strength again? With your wind picking me up again We tender two is each others wind When we begin to decent and fall Our wind for…
Precious Sayings Random Wisdom Ruby Ros’e La La Sangria Chaotic Creativity Our Own Way Patina In Patches-Rust On My Heart A Faithful Wife Is Like A Beautiful Vine Water & Nourishment May The Flowers Flourish A House Is Built On…
I Am Just Me No One Else I am not my grandmother I have words I have feelings I am not selfish I do care. I am not anyone I am “Me Just Me”. I am me with profound words…
Eyes are the window to our heart & soul The window that sees within Our creator gave us this window So you can see & reach in The eyes you see-the eyes you meet You look through that window To…
Girls Trip Girls Time!! Our Childhood Reunion! La La this I pledge lets make a plan for us to reunite “Girls Trip” you can come here or we can decide to meet somewhere not sure on the details yet but…
I Have A Hobby of Transforming Fashion: One Example: Once An 1950’s Ice Blue Wedding Dress-Long Skirt + Bustier: Then I decided to have the wedding skirt turned into a party dress still the same ice blue color. One color…
Receiving Your Letters! My Dear Heart Of The Tender Two! We Can’t Wait Always In Anticipaton! Wondering Waiting So Exciting! Reading! Reading! The Letters! We Enjoy. Learning Remembering Our Lives This Correspondence We Always Connected In Many Ways Childhood, Adulthood,…