More Calm Days
How I long for more calm days, no stress no worries just relaxation.
How I long for those days of no worry and stress. Not waking up from a bad dream or nerves on end. Every day the heavy piles of burden upon me.
How I long for days of just being me to relax and enjoy not have what I like taken from me. Days of sunshine and a glass of wine. Days at the seashore watching the waves rushing to shore, gentle breezes, & trade winds among the palm trees. More calm days, no more worries or day to day mundane household motherhood duties. Days to listen to music and dancing barefoot in the sand.
How I long for the calm of a stress free life, to be the wife of a man who accepts the real me. Real true love in every way. Not just the physical sense, but real true emotion, connection, and friendship. Real love to enjoy those calm days, walking hand in hand along the sand, real companionship each of us as equals, and just being and knowing the love we share.
How I long for those calm days and long for the wonders that await me. I just need to really breathe and let those calm days come to me. To just let me truly breathe and let everything be.
Seeking more calm days!
So refreshing to imagine.
yes it is 😀